Hormone Transitions


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Female to male hormones

The goal of therapy is

1/.Suppression of female hormones such as estrogens and progesterone

2/. Augmentation of male/androgenic hormones testosterone and DHEA

After initiating female to male hormonal therapythe following effects can be expected and observed: cessation of menstrual period (this usually occurs within 3 months), increase facial and body hair, increased musle mass and decreased body fat. Later changes usually include deepening of the voice, atrophy of the vaginal mucosa, increase size of clitoris.

If undesirable side effects of increased androgens occur such as hair loss on the scalp and acne, medical intervetion by adding 5 alpha reductase inhibitors can be implemented.

Efficacy and Risk Monitoring During Masculinizing Hormone Therapy (FtM)

The best assessment of hormone efficacy is clinical response, when the patient is developing a masculinized body while the female characteristics are being diminished.

Periodic hormone levels evaluation through laboratory testing is a good guiding tool.Testosterone levels are usually desired to be within normal male range.